In our previous articles, we introduced the P5 Standard and delved into practical strategies for ensuring sustainability in the Product and Process categories. In this article, we will focus on the People and Planet categories. These aspects are crucial as they address the social and environmental impacts of project management. By adopting these strategies, project managers can create projects that are not only efficient and profitable but also beneficial to society and the environment.

See previous articles:

Understanding People and Planet Sustainability

The People category of the P5 Standard focuses on the social impacts of projects on stakeholders, including employees, customers, suppliers, and the community. This involves ensuring fair labor practices, community engagement, and promoting social well-being. The Planet category addresses the environmental impacts of projects, including resource use, emissions, waste, and biodiversity. Sustainable practices in this area aim to minimize negative environmental impacts and enhance positive ones.

Practical Strategies for People Sustainability

  1. Promote Fair Labor Practices

    • Ethical Employment Policies: Develop and enforce policies that ensure fair wages, safe working conditions, and equal opportunities for all employees. For example, the Inland Empire Utilities Agency's solar project not only focused on renewable energy but also adhered to fair labor practices.

    Template: Ethical Employment Policy

    Policy AreaAction PlanResponsible Party
    Fair Wages Conduct regular salary reviews HR Manager
    Safe Working Conditions Implement safety training Safety Officer
    Equal Opportunities Monitor hiring practices Recruitment Manager
    Diversity Programs Develop inclusion initiatives Diversity Officer
    Employee Feedback Regular surveys and forums HR Manager
    Health and Safety Regular health and safety checks Safety Officer
    Training and Development Continuous training programs Training Coordinator
    Employee Assistance Provide counseling services HR Manager
    Work-Life Balance Flexible working hours HR Manager
    Anti-Discrimination Strict anti-discrimination policies Compliance Officer
  2. Engage with the Community

    • Community Involvement: Participate in local events and support community projects to build positive relationships. For instance, the Inland Empire Recycled Water and Aquifer Storage Project involved community stakeholders to address water sustainability challenges.

    Template: Community Engagement Plan

    Community GroupEngagement MethodFrequencyResponsible Party
    Local Residents Public meetings Bi-annual Community Liaison
    Local Schools Educational partnerships Annual Education Coordinator
    Nonprofits Collaborative projects Quarterly CSR Manager
    Local Government Regular consultations Quarterly Public Affairs Officer
    Businesses Partnership programs Quarterly Business Development
    Media Press releases and events Quarterly PR Manager
    Environmental Groups Joint sustainability initiatives Quarterly Sustainability Officer
    Healthcare Providers Health awareness campaigns Annual Health Coordinator
    Senior Citizens Special support programs Quarterly Community Liaison
    Youth Groups Mentorship and support programs Quarterly Youth Coordinator
  3. Enhance Employee Well-being

    • Work-Life Balance: Implement policies that promote work-life balance, such as flexible working hours and remote work options. For example, in the Inland Empire Utilities Agency's initiatives, employee wellness programs were integral.

    Template: Employee Well-being Program

    Program ElementDescriptionAction Plan
    Flexible Working Hours Allow flexible schedules Develop policy and guidelines
    Remote Work Options Enable work from home Provide necessary tools and support
    Health Resources Offer mental and physical health resources Partner with health providers
    Wellness Activities Organize fitness and wellness activities Schedule regular activities
    Stress Management Conduct stress management workshops Hire external experts
    Nutrition Programs Provide healthy meal options Partner with local vendors
    Social Activities Organize team-building events Schedule quarterly activities
    Employee Recognition Regular recognition programs Develop award systems
    Professional Development Continuous learning opportunities Create training schedules
    Family Support Family-friendly policies Develop support programs

Practical Strategies for Planet Sustainability

  1. Reduce Resource Consumption

    • Energy Efficiency: Implement energy-saving technologies and practices to reduce energy consumption. The Inland Empire Utilities Agency’s solar power project is an excellent example of reducing reliance on non-renewable energy sources.

    Template: Resource Conservation Plan

    Resource AreaConservation StrategyAction Plan
    Energy Energy-efficient lighting Install LED lighting
    HVAC Systems Upgrade to energy-efficient systems Schedule regular maintenance
    Water Use Install water-efficient fixtures Retrofit restrooms and kitchens
    Water Recycling Implement water recycling systems Install greywater systems
    Renewable Energy Use solar or wind energy Install renewable energy sources
    Office Equipment Energy Star-rated appliances Replace old equipment
    Building Insulation Improve insulation Upgrade building insulation
    Smart Technology Implement smart energy management systems Install smart meters
    Transportation Encourage public transport and carpooling Develop incentive programs
    Paper Use Go digital to reduce paper usage Implement digital documentation
  2. Minimize Waste

    • Waste Reduction: Implement practices to reduce waste generation, such as recycling programs and waste audits. For instance, warehouses in the Inland Empire are moving towards cleaner operations and reduced waste.

    Template: Waste Management Plan

    Waste TypeReduction StrategyAction Plan
    Paper Go paperless Implement digital documentation
    Plastics Reduce single-use plastics Switch to reusable alternatives
    Food Waste Compost organic waste Set up composting stations
    Electronics Recycle e-waste Partner with e-waste recyclers
    Construction Waste Reuse and recycle materials Develop waste management plan
    Office Supplies Use recycled products Source eco-friendly suppliers
    Packaging Minimize packaging materials Use biodegradable packaging
    Hazardous Waste Safe disposal of hazardous materials Partner with certified disposers
    Green Waste Mulch and compost green waste Set up collection points
    Furniture Donate or recycle old furniture Partner with local organizations
  3. Reduce Emissions

    • Carbon Footprint Reduction: Measure and reduce the carbon footprint of projects by optimizing transportation and using renewable energy sources. The Inland Empire Utilities Agency’s solar and battery storage initiative serves as a model for emission reduction.

    Template: Emission Reduction Plan

    Emission SourceReduction StrategyAction Plan
    Transportation Optimize logistics Use fuel-efficient vehicles
    Energy Use Use renewable energy sources Install solar panels
    Building Materials Use low-emission materials Source sustainable building materials
    Insulation Improve building insulation Upgrade insulation
    Offsetting Carbon offset programs Invest in offset projects
    Employee Travel Promote virtual meetings Provide remote work options
    Fleet Management Switch to electric vehicles Invest in EV infrastructure
    Manufacturing Use low-emission technologies Upgrade machinery
    Landscaping Use electric tools for landscaping Replace gas-powered tools
    Shipping Optimize shipping routes Use eco-friendly packaging

Insights from GPM’s Principles for Sustainable Project Management

The principles for sustainable project management outlined by GPM emphasize the integration of sustainability into all aspects of project management. Here are some key principles that can enhance your practices:

  1. Value Creation: Focus on creating value for all stakeholders, including social and environmental value.
  2. Balanced Decisions: Make decisions that balance economic, environmental, and social considerations.
  3. Continuous Improvement: Strive for continuous improvement in sustainability practices through regular assessment and adaptation.


Implementing the P5 Standard requires a holistic approach that considers the impacts on people and the planet. By adopting the practical strategies outlined in this article, project managers can enhance the social and environmental sustainability of their projects, contributing to a better future for all. Stay tuned for the next article in this series, where we will explore sustainability strategies for the Prosperity category of the P5 Standard.

Additional Resources