

PMICIE Member Spotlight for May 2024: Tammo Wilkens


An Exclusive Interview with Tammo Wilkens: A Masterclass in Project Management

In the dynamic world of project management, Tammo Wilkens stands out not just for his vast experience but also for his transformative impact on the field. In this exclusive interview, Wilkens shares his journey from engineer to revered project management educator and his profound insights into the discipline's evolving landscape. His candid reflections offer a masterclass in navigating a successful career in project management.

The Genesis of a Project Management Career

Interviewer: You’ve had a remarkable transition from engineering to project management. What sparked this shift?

Tammo Wilkens: It all began rather unexpectedly. Back in 1979, I was offered the role of Engineering Scheduling Department Head. The title sounded impressive, and I was intrigued by the challenges it promised. Little did I know, this role would be my gateway into the world of project management. It was the allure of new challenges and responsibilities that really drew me in.

Pioneering Moments and Career Milestones

Interviewer: Throughout your career, what have been some of the most significant milestones?

Tammo Wilkens: Several key moments stand out. Firstly, being named the Engineering Scheduling Manager was a foundational step. Managing the Craven County Waste Wood Energy Plant project was another major milestone; the stakes were incredibly high, and the pressure was immense. Lastly, the opportunity to volunteer and then lead the Project Management Certificate Program at Cal State Dominguez Hills has been one of the most fulfilling experiences, shaping the next generation of project managers.

Specialization and Expertise

Interviewer: You mentioned specialties in scheduling, earned value management, and procurement. How did these develop?

Tammo Wilkens: These specialties evolved naturally from the demands of the projects I managed. Scheduling and earned value management, in particular, are critical for maintaining control over the scope, time, and cost of projects. My involvement in developing PMI’s first Scheduling Standard also deepened my expertise and allowed me to contribute to setting industry benchmarks.

Overcoming Project Challenges

Interviewer: Can you share how you navigated the challenges of the Craven County project?

Tammo Wilkens: That project was a true test of our team's resilience. The risk of losing a significant power purchase agreement loomed over us, threatening the project’s viability. By focusing on meticulous project control and fostering a collaborative team environment, we managed to meet our deadlines and ensure the project's success. It highlighted the importance of trust and teamwork in overcoming seemingly insurmountable challenges.

Interviewer: What about the challenges with the LA MTA’s red line project?

Tammo Wilkens: The red line project faced significant delays in tunnel construction. I encouraged the contractor to foster a brainstorming session, which led to a breakthrough in their approach. It was a testament to the power of collective problem-solving and maintaining a solution-oriented mindset.

Tools of the Trade and Leadership Philosophy

Interviewer: What project management tools do you find indispensable?

Tammo Wilkens: The Critical Path Method and earned value analysis are fundamental. However, beyond tools, I believe in the power of leadership. My philosophy is simple: empower your team and then step back. Let them own their tasks. It’s about facilitating rather than dictating.

Longstanding Engagement with PMI

Interviewer: Your involvement with PMI has been extensive. How has this shaped your career?

Tammo Wilkens: PMI has been instrumental in my professional growth. It kept me connected with the latest developments in our field and allowed me to give back through teaching and volunteer roles. Serving as the VP of Finance at the PMI CIE Chapter also broadened my understanding of financial management within non-profits, which was incredibly enriching.

Addressing Industry Challenges and Offering Advice

Interviewer: What do you see as current challenges in project management?

Tammo Wilkens: A significant challenge is the dilution of the managerial authority in project management. There’s a trend towards managing without authority, which I find counterproductive. Effective project management requires the ability to make decisions and act on them.

Interviewer: Any advice for those entering the field?

Tammo Wilkens: Embrace a leadership style that combines decision-making authority with the empowerment of your team. Don’t be swayed by trends that suggest otherwise. True leadership in project management involves guiding your team through empowerment and informed decision-making.

Envisioning the Future

Interviewer: How do you see the role of project managers evolving?

Tammo Wilkens: The role will undoubtedly recalibrate towards a more authoritative approach once more. Trends are cyclical, and the need for strong, decisive project leadership will become apparent again as organizations recognize the limitations of a hands-off approach.

Interviewer: And finally, what’s your key takeaway for our readers?

Tammo Wilkens: The project management profession is both demanding and rewarding. It requires a keen understanding of both the micro and macro aspects of managing projects. My advice? Stay engaged, stay informed, and most importantly, stay involved in communities like PMI to continually grow and learn.

Through this engaging interview, Tammo Wilkens not only shares his wealth of knowledge but also inspires a robust dialogue about the future of project management. For those looking to deepen their understanding or contribute to the project management community, engaging with the PMICIE Chapter could be your next great step. Visit to learn more about how you can get involved.

Abstract illustration representing sustainability elements and the P5 Standard categories with vibrant colors and modern design elements.

Practical Strategies for Product and Process Sustainability in Project Management



In our previous article, we introduced the P5 Standard and provided a comprehensive guide on how to begin integrating sustainability into your project management practices. In this article, we will delve deeper into practical strategies for ensuring sustainability in the Product and Process categories of the P5 Standard. By adopting these strategies, project managers can significantly enhance the environmental, social, and economic outcomes of their projects.

Understanding Product and Process Sustainability

The P5 Standard by Green Project Management (GPM) emphasizes the importance of considering both the product lifecycle and the processes involved in managing projects. Product sustainability focuses on the lifecycle impacts of the project’s output, from design and production to use and disposal. Process sustainability, on the other hand, looks at the efficiency, effectiveness, and fairness of the project management practices used.

Practical Strategies for Product Sustainability

  1. Design for Sustainability
    • Lifecycle Thinking: Incorporate sustainability from the design phase by considering the entire product lifecycle. This includes selecting materials that are renewable, recyclable, or biodegradable.
    • Eco-friendly Materials: Choose materials that have a lower environmental impact, such as those that are certified by sustainability standards like FSC or Cradle to Cradle.

Template: Sustainable Product Design Checklist

Design Element

Sustainable Option

Action Plan

Material Selection

Recyclable or biodegradable

Source certified eco-friendly materials

Energy Efficiency

Low energy consumption

Incorporate energy-efficient technologies

End-of-life Disposal

Recyclable components

Design for easy disassembly and recycling


Minimalist and recyclable

Use biodegradable or minimal packaging


Long-lasting materials

Choose materials that extend product life

Chemical Use

Non-toxic substances

Eliminate hazardous chemicals in production

  1. Sustainable Production Practices
    • Energy Efficiency: Implement energy-efficient production processes to reduce carbon footprint.
    • Waste Minimization: Adopt lean manufacturing techniques to minimize waste and increase resource efficiency.

Template: Sustainable Production Plan

Production Stage

Sustainable Practice

Action Plan


Energy-efficient machinery

Upgrade to energy-efficient equipment

Waste Management

Lean manufacturing techniques

Implement waste reduction strategies

Water Use

Water recycling systems

Install systems for water reuse

Emission Control

Low-emission technologies

Invest in emission-reducing equipment

Worker Safety

Safe and ergonomic practices

Provide safety training and ergonomic tools

Supply Chain

Sustainable logistics

Optimize transportation routes and methods

  1. Responsible Sourcing
    • Ethical Suppliers: Ensure that suppliers adhere to ethical labor practices and environmental standards.
    • Local Sourcing: Whenever possible, source materials locally to reduce transportation emissions and support local economies.

Template: Responsible Sourcing Plan

Supplier Criteria

Sustainable Practice

Action Plan

Ethical Standards

Adherence to labor and environmental standards

Evaluate and audit suppliers regularly

Local Sourcing

Minimize transportation emissions

Identify and engage local suppliers


Sustainability certifications

Prefer suppliers with recognized certifications

Fair Trade

Support fair trade practices

Choose suppliers involved in fair trade


Clear supply chain visibility

Implement supply chain tracking systems

Long-term Relationships

Build partnerships with suppliers

Develop long-term contracts with sustainable suppliers

Practical Strategies for Process Sustainability

  1. Efficient Project Management Practices
    • Agile Methodologies: Use agile project management methodologies to enhance flexibility and efficiency.
    • Continuous Improvement: Implement continuous improvement practices such as Kaizen to regularly identify and eliminate inefficiencies.

Template: Process Efficiency Plan

Process Stage

Improvement Method

Action Plan

Project Planning

Agile methodologies

Train team in agile practices


Continuous improvement (Kaizen)

Conduct regular process reviews

Resource Allocation

Efficient resource management

Use resource management tools


Clear and consistent updates

Implement regular team check-ins

Risk Management

Proactive risk identification

Develop risk management plans

Quality Assurance

Regular quality checks

Set up quality control checkpoints

  1. Stakeholder Engagement
    • Inclusive Decision-Making: Engage stakeholders in decision-making processes to ensure that diverse perspectives are considered.
    • Transparent Communication: Maintain open and transparent communication channels to build trust and collaboration.

Template: Stakeholder Engagement Plan

Stakeholder Group

Engagement Method


Responsible Party


Workshops, surveys


HR Manager

Local Community

Public meetings


Community Liaison


Sustainability workshops


Procurement Manager


Feedback sessions


Customer Relations


Sustainability reports


Finance Manager

Regulatory Bodies

Compliance reviews


Compliance Officer

  1. Sustainable Risk Management
    • Proactive Risk Identification: Identify sustainability risks early in the project lifecycle and develop mitigation strategies.
    • Resilience Planning: Build resilience into project plans to adapt to changing environmental and social conditions.

Template: Sustainable Risk Management Plan

Risk Factor

Mitigation Strategy

Action Plan

Environmental Impact

Proactive risk identification

Conduct environmental impact assessments

Social Impact

Community engagement

Develop community impact mitigation strategies

Regulatory Compliance

Regular compliance checks

Schedule periodic compliance reviews

Supply Chain

Diversified sourcing strategy

Identify multiple sustainable suppliers

Climate Change

Adaptation and resilience planning

Develop climate adaptation plans

Market Changes

Continuous market analysis

Regularly review market conditions

Insights from GPM’s PRiSM Methodology

The PRiSM (Projects integrating Sustainable Methods) methodology by GPM is a project management approach that integrates sustainability into every phase of the project lifecycle. PRiSM emphasizes the need for projects to create value not only for the organization but also for society and the environment. Here are some key principles from PRiSM that can enhance your sustainability practices:

  1. Holistic Approach: Consider the environmental, social, and economic impacts of project decisions. This aligns with the P5 Standard's comprehensive view of sustainability.
  2. Stakeholder Value Creation: Focus on creating value for all stakeholders, including employees, customers, suppliers, and the community. This can be achieved through transparent communication and inclusive decision-making processes.
  3. Sustainable Resource Use: Optimize the use of resources to minimize waste and environmental impact. This includes energy-efficient practices, responsible sourcing, and waste reduction strategies.


Implementing the P5 Standard requires a commitment to continuous improvement and a holistic approach to project management. By adopting the practical strategies outlined in this article, project managers can enhance the sustainability of their products and processes, contributing to a more sustainable future for all. Stay tuned for the next article in this series, where we will explore sustainability strategies for the People and Planet categories of the P5 Standard.

Additional Resources

Implementing the P5 Standard is not just about compliance but about creating lasting value and positive impacts. Start today, and lead your projects towards a sustainable future.

Strategies for Enhancing People and Planet Sustainability in Project Management

In our previous articles, we introduced the P5 Standard and delved into practical strategies for ensuring sustainability in the Product and Process categories. In this article, we will focus on the People and Planet categories. These aspects are crucial as they address the social and environmental impacts of project management. By adopting these strategies, project managers can create projects that are not only efficient and profitable but also beneficial to society and the environment.

See previous articles:

Understanding People and Planet Sustainability

The People category of the P5 Standard focuses on the social impacts of projects on stakeholders, including employees, customers, suppliers, and the community. This involves ensuring fair labor practices, community engagement, and promoting social well-being. The Planet category addresses the environmental impacts of projects, including resource use, emissions, waste, and biodiversity. Sustainable practices in this area aim to minimize negative environmental impacts and enhance positive ones.

Practical Strategies for People Sustainability

  1. Promote Fair Labor Practices

    • Ethical Employment Policies: Develop and enforce policies that ensure fair wages, safe working conditions, and equal opportunities for all employees. For example, the Inland Empire Utilities Agency's solar project not only focused on renewable energy but also adhered to fair labor practices.

    Template: Ethical Employment Policy

    Policy AreaAction PlanResponsible Party
    Fair Wages Conduct regular salary reviews HR Manager
    Safe Working Conditions Implement safety training Safety Officer
    Equal Opportunities Monitor hiring practices Recruitment Manager
    Diversity Programs Develop inclusion initiatives Diversity Officer
    Employee Feedback Regular surveys and forums HR Manager
    Health and Safety Regular health and safety checks Safety Officer
    Training and Development Continuous training programs Training Coordinator
    Employee Assistance Provide counseling services HR Manager
    Work-Life Balance Flexible working hours HR Manager
    Anti-Discrimination Strict anti-discrimination policies Compliance Officer
  2. Engage with the Community

    • Community Involvement: Participate in local events and support community projects to build positive relationships. For instance, the Inland Empire Recycled Water and Aquifer Storage Project involved community stakeholders to address water sustainability challenges.

    Template: Community Engagement Plan

    Community GroupEngagement MethodFrequencyResponsible Party
    Local Residents Public meetings Bi-annual Community Liaison
    Local Schools Educational partnerships Annual Education Coordinator
    Nonprofits Collaborative projects Quarterly CSR Manager
    Local Government Regular consultations Quarterly Public Affairs Officer
    Businesses Partnership programs Quarterly Business Development
    Media Press releases and events Quarterly PR Manager
    Environmental Groups Joint sustainability initiatives Quarterly Sustainability Officer
    Healthcare Providers Health awareness campaigns Annual Health Coordinator
    Senior Citizens Special support programs Quarterly Community Liaison
    Youth Groups Mentorship and support programs Quarterly Youth Coordinator
  3. Enhance Employee Well-being

    • Work-Life Balance: Implement policies that promote work-life balance, such as flexible working hours and remote work options. For example, in the Inland Empire Utilities Agency's initiatives, employee wellness programs were integral.

    Template: Employee Well-being Program

    Program ElementDescriptionAction Plan
    Flexible Working Hours Allow flexible schedules Develop policy and guidelines
    Remote Work Options Enable work from home Provide necessary tools and support
    Health Resources Offer mental and physical health resources Partner with health providers
    Wellness Activities Organize fitness and wellness activities Schedule regular activities
    Stress Management Conduct stress management workshops Hire external experts
    Nutrition Programs Provide healthy meal options Partner with local vendors
    Social Activities Organize team-building events Schedule quarterly activities
    Employee Recognition Regular recognition programs Develop award systems
    Professional Development Continuous learning opportunities Create training schedules
    Family Support Family-friendly policies Develop support programs

Practical Strategies for Planet Sustainability

  1. Reduce Resource Consumption

    • Energy Efficiency: Implement energy-saving technologies and practices to reduce energy consumption. The Inland Empire Utilities Agency’s solar power project is an excellent example of reducing reliance on non-renewable energy sources.

    Template: Resource Conservation Plan

    Resource AreaConservation StrategyAction Plan
    Energy Energy-efficient lighting Install LED lighting
    HVAC Systems Upgrade to energy-efficient systems Schedule regular maintenance
    Water Use Install water-efficient fixtures Retrofit restrooms and kitchens
    Water Recycling Implement water recycling systems Install greywater systems
    Renewable Energy Use solar or wind energy Install renewable energy sources
    Office Equipment Energy Star-rated appliances Replace old equipment
    Building Insulation Improve insulation Upgrade building insulation
    Smart Technology Implement smart energy management systems Install smart meters
    Transportation Encourage public transport and carpooling Develop incentive programs
    Paper Use Go digital to reduce paper usage Implement digital documentation
  2. Minimize Waste

    • Waste Reduction: Implement practices to reduce waste generation, such as recycling programs and waste audits. For instance, warehouses in the Inland Empire are moving towards cleaner operations and reduced waste.

    Template: Waste Management Plan

    Waste TypeReduction StrategyAction Plan
    Paper Go paperless Implement digital documentation
    Plastics Reduce single-use plastics Switch to reusable alternatives
    Food Waste Compost organic waste Set up composting stations
    Electronics Recycle e-waste Partner with e-waste recyclers
    Construction Waste Reuse and recycle materials Develop waste management plan
    Office Supplies Use recycled products Source eco-friendly suppliers
    Packaging Minimize packaging materials Use biodegradable packaging
    Hazardous Waste Safe disposal of hazardous materials Partner with certified disposers
    Green Waste Mulch and compost green waste Set up collection points
    Furniture Donate or recycle old furniture Partner with local organizations
  3. Reduce Emissions

    • Carbon Footprint Reduction: Measure and reduce the carbon footprint of projects by optimizing transportation and using renewable energy sources. The Inland Empire Utilities Agency’s solar and battery storage initiative serves as a model for emission reduction.

    Template: Emission Reduction Plan

    Emission SourceReduction StrategyAction Plan
    Transportation Optimize logistics Use fuel-efficient vehicles
    Energy Use Use renewable energy sources Install solar panels
    Building Materials Use low-emission materials Source sustainable building materials
    Insulation Improve building insulation Upgrade insulation
    Offsetting Carbon offset programs Invest in offset projects
    Employee Travel Promote virtual meetings Provide remote work options
    Fleet Management Switch to electric vehicles Invest in EV infrastructure
    Manufacturing Use low-emission technologies Upgrade machinery
    Landscaping Use electric tools for landscaping Replace gas-powered tools
    Shipping Optimize shipping routes Use eco-friendly packaging

Insights from GPM’s Principles for Sustainable Project Management

The principles for sustainable project management outlined by GPM emphasize the integration of sustainability into all aspects of project management. Here are some key principles that can enhance your practices:

  1. Value Creation: Focus on creating value for all stakeholders, including social and environmental value.
  2. Balanced Decisions: Make decisions that balance economic, environmental, and social considerations.
  3. Continuous Improvement: Strive for continuous improvement in sustainability practices through regular assessment and adaptation.


Implementing the P5 Standard requires a holistic approach that considers the impacts on people and the planet. By adopting the practical strategies outlined in this article, project managers can enhance the social and environmental sustainability of their projects, contributing to a better future for all. Stay tuned for the next article in this series, where we will explore sustainability strategies for the Prosperity category of the P5 Standard.

Additional Resources

The Critical Importance of Cybersecurity in Healthcare IT Projects

The Critical Importance of Cybersecurity in Healthcare IT Projects

article header for cybersecurity in healthcare

In the rapidly evolving landscape of healthcare, the integration of advanced information technology (IT) systems has revolutionized patient care, streamlined administrative processes, and enhanced the overall efficiency of healthcare delivery. However, with these advancements comes the heightened need for robust cybersecurity measures. The significance of cybersecurity in healthcare IT projects cannot be overstated, given the sensitive nature of health information and the potential consequences of data breaches.

Protecting Sensitive Patient Data

In the realm of healthcare IT, cybersecurity is not just an add-on but a foundational component of every project. “As project managers, the onus is on you to help ensure that third-party vendors and partners adhere to the highest security standards. The integrity, confidentiality, and availability of patient data are paramount. A single breach can compromise patient safety, disrupt clinical operations, and erode trust, making robust cybersecurity measures indispensable. By integrating comprehensive cybersecurity practices into our project management processes, we safeguard not only the data but also our commitment to patient care in the communities we serve.” Joshua Roth, CISO, Children’s Hospital of Orange County.

Compliance with Regulations

Healthcare institutions are subject to stringent regulations regarding data protection. Laws such as the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) in the United States mandate rigorous standards for the handling of medical information. Non-compliance can result in severe penalties, legal repercussions, and damage to an organization’s reputation. Implementing comprehensive cybersecurity measures is essential to meet these regulatory requirements and avoid costly infractions.

Preventing Disruptions to Care Delivery

Cyberattacks on healthcare facilities can disrupt critical services, potentially putting patients' lives at risk. Ransomware attacks, for instance, can incapacitate hospital systems, delaying surgeries, and preventing access to vital patient information. By investing in cybersecurity, healthcare organizations can ensure continuity of care, minimize downtime, and maintain the reliability of their IT infrastructure.

Safeguarding Against Evolving Threats

The threat landscape is constantly changing, with cybercriminals employing increasingly sophisticated techniques. Healthcare IT projects must incorporate advanced security measures such as encryption, multi-factor authentication, and continuous monitoring to defend against these evolving threats. Regular security audits and updates are also crucial to address vulnerabilities and enhance the overall resilience of the healthcare IT environment.

 Building Patient Trust

Trust is a cornerstone of the patient-provider relationship. Patients expect their health information to be handled with the utmost care and confidentiality. A strong cybersecurity posture reassures patients that their data is secure, building trust and encouraging them to engage more openly with healthcare providers. This, in turn, can lead to better health outcomes and increased patient satisfaction.

In conclusion, the importance of cybersecurity in healthcare IT projects is undeniable. As healthcare continues to digitize, protecting sensitive patient data, ensuring compliance with regulations, preventing service disruptions, guarding against emerging threats, and building patient trust are critical objectives. By prioritizing cybersecurity, healthcare organizations can not only protect themselves against cyber threats but also enhance the quality and reliability of care they provide.

Dr. Ray Seraile: PMICIE Spotlight Member of the Month (June 2024)

 Dr Ray

Dr. Ray Seraile on Mastering Project Management: Insights from the President-elect of PMI California Inland Empire Chapter

Dr. Ray Seraile, the upcoming President of the PMI California Inland Empire (PMICIE) Chapter and a seasoned Business Systems Analyst at San Bernardino County's Department of Behavioral Health, has carved a niche in project management that spans IT and healthcare sectors. His journey from martial arts gym manager to a pivotal role in project management at the county level exemplifies the versatility and strategic acumen essential for modern project managers.

From Martial Arts to Project Management: A Unique Path

Interviewer: Dr. Seraile, could you share how your early experiences influenced your path into project management?

Dr. Ray Seraile: Certainly. My career initially revolved around martial arts, where I managed gyms and led marketing campaigns. This early exposure to structured planning and event organization sparked my interest in project management. Transitioning into web development and ultimately project management was a natural progression, enhancing my skills in managing more complex and diverse projects.

Celebrating Career Milestones

Interviewer: What milestones in your project management career have been most significant?

Dr. Ray Seraile: Earning my PMP certification stands out as a significant achievement. It not only validated my expertise and experience but also marked a pivotal moment in my career, enabling me to tackle complex projects in IT and healthcare more effectively.

Overcoming Traditional Mindsets

Interviewer: Could you describe a challenging project and how you managed it?

Dr. Ray Seraile: One notable challenge was overcoming the entrenched "TWWADI" mindset—The Way We've Always Done It. In this project, I used my interpersonal skills to persuade the team to adopt new methodologies, demonstrating the benefits and leading the project to success. This experience underscored the importance of adaptive leadership and effective communication in project management.

Tools for Effective Project Management

Interviewer: What tools do you consider indispensable in your work?

Dr. Ray Seraile: Clear communication and obtaining explicit commitments are crucial. These tools ensure that everyone involved has a clear understanding of their roles and responsibilities, which is fundamental for accountability and the success of any project.

Enhancing Chapter Engagement and Visibility

Interviewer: As President-elect, what initiatives within the PMICIE Chapter are you most proud of?

Dr. Ray Seraile: I am particularly proud of my efforts to boost engagement and increase visibility within our chapter. Creating a more dynamic community through active participation in both in-person and virtual training events has been rewarding. These initiatives help our members and non-members alike gain valuable knowledge and skills, strengthening our professional network.

Upcoming PMICIE Events:

Staying Updated and Addressing Industry Challenges

Interviewer: How do you keep up with the latest trends in project management?

Dr. Ray Seraile: I actively engage with various online resources, such as blogs and dedicated project management websites, to stay informed about the latest trends and advancements in our field.

Interviewer: What are common challenges in today’s project management landscape?

Dr. Ray Seraile: A major challenge is the "potted plant" leadership style, which can stifle growth and innovation. My approach is proactive, always seeking ways to advance and improve project outcomes regardless of existing constraints.

Advice for Aspiring Project Managers

Interviewer: What advice would you give to new project managers?

Dr. Ray Seraile: It’s crucial to identify key stakeholders early and understand their influence on your projects. Don’t hesitate to seek explicit commitments to ensure clarity around expectations and responsibilities.

The Future of Project Management

Interviewer: How do you see AI impacting project management?

Dr. Ray Seraile: AI will significantly enhance efficiency in project management, allowing us to tackle more specialized problems and streamline processes.

Balancing Life and Finding Inspiration

Interviewer: How do you balance work and personal life?

Dr. Ray Seraile: My family and supportive work culture are foundational. My passion for teaching and learning, inspired by my family of educators, drives my professional life, while my involvement in martial arts and community activities keeps me grounded.

Dr. Ray Seraile’s insights into project management are not just reflective of his extensive experience but also highlight the evolving nature of the field. For those in the Inland Empire interested in project management, or current PMICIE members looking to deepen their engagement, Dr. Seraile’s leadership promises a dynamic chapter environment focused on growth and learning. Join us at PMI CIE to connect with like-minded professionals and leverage our collective expertise. Visit to learn more and become an active part of our community.