May 2016 Dinner Meeting – Riverside

May 2016 Dinner Meeting – Riverside

Cyber Security and RansomWare Demystified

May 25, 2016
5:30 PM PDT to 9:00 PM PDT

The Tamale Factory
3663 Main St
Riverside, CA 92501

Presentation Title: Cyber Security and  Cyber Threats Demystified 

Presented by:  Anthony H. Chogyoji, CISSP, EnCE
                       Deputy Chief Information Security Officer
                       Riverside County Information Security Office

PDU Category: Technical Project Management

Presentation Abstract:

It doesn’t matter which industry you are in, or the size of your company, cyber security is a topic which increasingly affects us all – in our professional and personal lives. Sign up early as you won’t want to miss this presentation!

Companies are investing millions in technology infrastructure and sophisticated machines to protect their data from human attackers.  End-users have been responsible for almost 2 billion data records breached over the past 24 months. The truth is beginning to emerge; a machine cannot provide adequate protection against a human adversary and bolt-on security is never as effective as built-in security. The project manager is in a unique position to ensure that security is built-in early, rather than bolted-on later.

Mr. Chogyoji's presentation will concentrate on the on the following:

Understanding Today’s Cyber Threats
        Cyber Crime
        Malware (including Ransomware)

Building a Strong Cyber Security Defense
        What to protect?
         How to protect?

 About Our Speaker:

Anthony Chogyoji is the Deputy Chief Information Security Officer for Riverside County, California - the 4th largest county in the state and 11th largest county in the nation. Before joining Riverside County in 2008, Anthony served as the Corporate Information Security Officer for Stater Bros. Markets, where he helped the largest privately-held supermarket chain in Southern California achieve SOX Section 404, PCI DSS, and HIPAA compliance.

With over 20 years of combined experience in the information technology, security and privacy industries, Anthony is recognized by his peers as a seasoned cyber security executive who is committed to excellence. Throughout his career, Anthony has established a proven track record that exemplifies his core talent, expert knowledge, and technical capacity to produce end results that are consistently above and beyond expectations


    5:30-6:00 Check-In and Networking
    6:00-6:45 Dinner
    6:15-6:45 Dinner Meeting Deck
    6:45-7:00 Break & Speaker Presentation Setup
    7:00-7:50 Speaker Presentation (Part 1)
    7:50-8:00 Break
    8:00-8:50 Speaker Presentation (Part 2)
    8:50-9:00 Wrap-Up & Raffle
    9:00-9:30 Networking

Parking / Venue:

The Tamale Factory is located on the Main Street pedestrian area across from the Mission Inn.   Ample parking is available at the municipal lot on Market Street located at 958 Market St Riverside CA 92501.  Access to the restaurant is available from the parking lot.  See the graphic below for more details 



$30.00 Member Price (Includes Dinner)

$35.00 Non-Member (Includes Dinner)

$15.00 Presentation Only

Event Properties

Event Date 05-25-2016 5:30 pm
Event End Date 05-25-2016 9:00 pm
Individual Price $35.00

We are no longer accepting registration for this event